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Kudos to you

We have reached another graduation season and while we are proud of all that students have survived and overcome to make it here to this...

Married with Children

Being married requires so much time and attention. It is certainly not for the faint of heart. In the same way being a parent requires...

The day Speedy saved me

When I was 11 years old, I woke up one morning and noticed there was a spot on my face that was lighter than the rest of my face. It may...

Staying Focused

These last couple weeks have been an emotional roller coaster. With the George Floyd trial and watching the attorney of his murderer...

Alone in the Airport

This has been such a strange week. I have had to work through so many different emotions. On Monday I took my youngest son to the airport...

The Birth of a Nation

Tomorrow March 22 my oldest son will be 22 years old. His Golden birthday as many would call it. It's easy to say I have been a mom for...

Taking my Life Back

Since coming out of my own darkness I have been committed to helping others out of theirs. I am so proud of myself for the work I have...

Shifting Gears

The other day I was watching a sermon by Pastor Reginald Sharpe Jr. and he was talking about shifting gears. This particular part of the...

40 and Babies

Starting in 1986 at the tender age of 7 I became an auntie. There was something about the month of February that my sisters loved because...

Who Invented Teenagers

Raising children is hard. I don’t care how many other mom bloggers tell you it is their greatest joy, there are days you want to pack...

Where Do We Go From Here?

I have watched my daughter grow from an infant until this current day. My boys as well but her in particular. My daughter has loved...

2020 In Review

Well here we are at the end of this unbelievable year. There are so many things I could point out and say went wrong this year as most...

He's My Special Boy

February 2003 I wasn’t feeling well so I went to the doctor and just during routing triage I was informed that I was pregnant. This is...

Stuck at the Gate

I sat down at my computer on Friday and I began to type. I knew what I wanted to share this week but for some reason it just wouldn’t...

The Real American Heroes

I deemed myself the honest mom and have never written anything about actually being a mom. Well that ends today. While scrolling through...

It Wasn't a Heart Attack

From the inception of this blog I have been very candid with you all about many of my struggles. This week will be no different. October...

Dear White People....

We are living in a time where we are experiencing some of the most racial tension that I have seen in my lifetime. In addition to trying...

Why are you Still Broken?

Fragmented. Fractured. Not in proper working order. These are all words that describe brokenness. At some point in this thing we call...

Letter to my Daughter

Janelle, It seems like only yesterday I was laying in the hospital praying you out. Here you are 18 years later a High School graduate...

Perfectly Imperfect

Self esteem is a tough subject for many because on some level many have struggled with it, or are currently struggling with it. I still,...

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