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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Joy

Letter to my Daughter


It seems like only yesterday I was laying in the hospital praying you out. Here you are 18 years later a High School graduate and on your way to college. I should have known then that you were going to be a force because you didn’t come until you were good and ready. From the time you could form words you had so much to say. So many opinions. You were always so observant of the world and concerned for others. Your heart was always for people. Here we are today you’re all grown up and a woman and so beautiful; the world is your oyster.

These 18 years certainly came with ups and downs, hurt, tears, laughs, some arguments, lots of rebellion, and a whole lot of praying. But my love for you has never wavered. You, my only daughter are loved in ways you will probably never comprehend. It was Phillip that caused me to grow up but you, you put all my brokenness in my face. Every time I would look at you I saw me at different stages of my life and would remember something that I had suppressed. It was those memories that made me work through my own struggles so you wouldn’t have to go through the same things and I could offer you a better life.

But there were times when I failed. Moments that I missed the mark. Moments I wish I could undo and redo. But I can’t. All I can do is acknowledge, apologize, and grow. All I ever wanted was for you to have the best chance to become your best self. I can’t change the past but I look to the future; a future that is full of unbelievable possibilities.

You my only daughter I remember the days you were so timid and would not talk to people. I remember that your dad had to shave his beard because you were afraid of men with facial hair. I remember when you were afraid of fireworks and even your own shadow because it wouldn’t stop following you. But today you are strong and fearless and I stand proud of how you have overcome your struggles to be great. I knew the day we buried Granny when you stood on the radiator declaring that no one asked Granny if she wanted to laid out like that that you were going to be a force to be reckoned with. What I know for certain is the world is not ready for you but you are certainly ready for the world.

Brina I love you with my whole heart. You finishing this school year in the midst of a pandemic and remote learning with As and Bs is remarkable!! My daughter, my mini me, my shadow, lover of nail polish and lip gloss, I love you and I pray God continues to let his favor saturate your life. You are going to be great.  There is no question about it. You have a fight and resilience that continues to amaze me. You’ve learned to confidently stand up for yourself and look people in the eye and demand what’s rightfully yours. You are no longer the little girl who’s afraid of everything; you are strong, you are bold, you are brilliant, you are beautiful and most of all you are a fearless God fearing woman that knows that if God be for you he’s more than the world against you.

Stay humble and always put God before everything you do. Bradley is waiting for you to come and take them by storm!

Love Mom

Aka Big Homie

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