Today June 13, is the birthday of one of my dearest friends Wendy Daniels. When we met, I was at one of the lowest points of my life. I was sad and broken and didn't have much hope left. Over the course of time we developed a bond that many don’t understand but has proven to be one of the most solid people I have known.
My life was transitioning at the time we met and the level of love and compassion she showed me was something that I had never experienced before. I became “sus” (that’s sister if you were wondering). She would often say “sus God got you.” Sus it's gone turn around” Sus you need to stand up for yourself” always encouraging and pushing me to be my absolute best self. there have been days when I would just show up at her house and sit on her porch because I knew eventually she would come and ask me “So you just gone sit out here like a creep” She let me be human while simultaneously reminding me that that God we serve was going to see me through my struggles. She prayed with me and she cried with me. She laughed with me and she advised me.
Today I am stronger for having her in my life. I couldn’t love her anymore if she was my blood sister.
Today sis, I celebrate you because you are worthy. You have the heart of God and you love with everything you have. I thank you for your friendship and the sisterhood we have. I know titles are not important to you but you are by far my absolute best friend in the world. If I had a million dollars I would buy you the world!! I want the favor of God to saturate your life. You deserve that and more. So today my Blog is dedicated to you for encouraging me to start it in the first place. But also for being my cheerleader, for never giving up on me even when I wanted to give up on myself. For praying for me when I didn’t have the words to pray for myself. For loving my children and being an extra auntie to them. For opening your home and allowing your family to be my family when I needed people.
There is nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for you. Today I celebrate you. Happiest of birthdays to you sis!! I love you forever!! ♥️♥️
Awesomeness, happy birthday to her, it is a blessing when God positions those individuals who we need during every season. 🧡🧡🧡