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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Joy

2020 In Review

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

Well here we are at the end of this unbelievable year. There are so many things I could point out and say went wrong this year as most people around the globe could. And to be honest who would blame you. 2020 was hard. But I think if you sat and really evaluated this year on a grand scale you will realize that it wasn’t as bad as you thought.

I worked for a school so when I went back to work in January after Christmas break I was ready. I had two weeks of rest and celebrating I was ready for my kiddos. I missed them. We breezed through those first few weeks. By February I’m back to pulling myself out the bed to get to work on time.

By March 1st the Covid conversation was becoming more and more serious. Watching the teachers and principals scurrying to get a remote learning plan in place was alarming. But between work and my home life I was burned out so when I learned that we would be closing for 2 weeks I welcomed the break.

There’s no way we could have known that 2 weeks would become the rest of the year.

While we are all over being in the house I have watched people display levels of humanity that I haven’t seen in so long. People feeding the homeless and cleaning their closets to give to the less fortunate. I’ve seen people giving in ways that have overwhelmed my heart. Both children and adults alike, giving from their hearts. While many aspects of this year tried our humanity so many others got back to the core of what it means to love your fellow man.

2020 took my dad but gave me a bond with my siblings that I never thought we would regain. 2020 gave me back my daughter. While she is still very much an 18 year old we are closer than we have ever been. 2020 took my job but took away my excuses for not starting my blog.

I won’t deny that 2020 was hard and trying. This year took so much away. So many away. But for those of us who remain, we can either sit and complain about what did or didn’t happen or we can take what happened and learn and grow from it. More than anything 2020 gave me time. I needed time to rest. Not just physically but mentally and spiritually. When my schedule went from packed to nothing, I had nothing but time to really hear God and reflect and heal. I was no longer consumed with running from point A to point B, or getting to meetings on time or getting dinner cooked and passing out from the day's activities. I was free. My mind was clear. God finally had time to show me things and speak to me in ways I didn’t have time for before. It's been said that we can sometimes be too busy for God and when the world shut down I realized I was in fact too busy.

We could continue to focus on all the bad that happened in 2020 or you could search for the good that came from all this. I challenge you to evaluate your life from March 13 until this very day. If all you come away with is the mere fact that you are alive that is huge. Because in addition to all the normal things people die from there are an additional 250k plus people that died from Covid alone who before this virus were perfectly healthy going about their normal lives.

While I myself suffered some great losses in 2020 I am grateful for what this year has taught me. Here’s to 2021 and all it has to offer. I don’t know what it has in store but I am ready.

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