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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Joy

Where Do We Go From Here?

I have watched my daughter grow from an infant until this current day. My boys as well but her in particular. My daughter has loved purses and lip gloss her entire life. But just recently as I was sitting and reflecting on the state of our country I realized that she loves the things I have taught her to love. I love purses and lip gloss. I was buying her purses to match her Sunday dresses when she could barely walk. She had the largest tiny purse collection that I had ever seen. This may have been a strange way to come to this conclusion but I understood on a different level how as parents we are our children’s longest and most influential teacher. In the same way I have given my daughter my love of handbags others have given their children hatred. They have from their children’s inception made it a point of teaching them that black is bad and white is supreme. This is the mentality that got us to where we ended up on Wednesday when the right wing extremist stormed the Capitol building and attempted to overthrow the government. Do I agree with all parts of the governmental system? Not even close. But even as a mother who has given birth to two black sons and a wife married to a black man, I will respect the structure of our system. Knowing fully how it is structured against me and the black men I love, I have to respect the system that is in place. I don’t have the luxury of storming any governmental building. I know that the chances of me going home that day is slim to none.

What disheartens me even more is watching the stark difference in how this situation was handled versus how BLM has been categorized and handled. I stated this in a prior post but I will say it again. African Americans are in America because we were forced from our homes to be slaves to men who ironically were seeking religious freedom. We were stripped of our heritage and our culture and forced into a place where we didn’t speak the language or understand what was really happening. Our men were emasculated and taught to be subservient only to be mocked and ridiculed for being exactly what they have been taught to be.

The fear speech that has been spewed that white people are going to be extinct and that black people will rise up and cause a revolution or that the Mexicans are going to rape your daughters; all baseless tactics to keep us separate and full of hate. But rather than using common sense people are reacting exactly how they are being programmed to. Now the election was “stolen” and the rhetoric that has been used over the last 4 years has caused this country to be in a complete uproar. People have displayed levels of hate that I have never experienced in my lifetime. Only for it all to come to a head with four people dead for no real reason. BLM march and protest because we want to be treated fairly. The far right are angry because they lost an election. It's not the first time and I guarantee you it won’t be the last. So what will happen when you lose in the future? Will you storm the Capitol again? Will it be the White House next time? Will it be a Courthouse? FBI? What has to happen for white Americans to wake up and realize that this isn’t working?

Hatred has never been and will never be the answer. And neither are double standards. 45 has committed treason for which he should be prosecuted. He has led many people down a rabbit hole of deception. He has lied more than anyone could count. We now have a new generation of hate. Who’s going to change to trajectory? Who’s going to stand up and realize that this can’t go on any longer. These events should serve as a wake up call to everyone. This has gone on long enough. It’s time to heal. It’s time to love. You are no better because your skin is white and I’m not less than you because my skin is brown. We are all created in the image of God. We look exactly how he intended for us to look.

Let’s come together and restore this country because of our humanity.

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Sandra Jones
Sandra Jones
Jan 10, 2021

Well spoke, there's nothing to say.🧡

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