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  • Writer's pictureBrenda Joy

Religion or Relationship

Our world is experiencing something that is unprecedented, we are in the midst of a global pandemic known as COVID-19 or Coronavirus that has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands worldwide. This is a very scary time for most. It has forced many off work to avoid contracting the virus and/or spread of it to others. Many others are working from home, schools are closed and being deep cleaned, businesses are facing bankruptcy, families are instantly at a zero income; this is a strange time. One of the things that has also happened is churches are closed. The shelter in place orders that have gone out by governors all around the U.S. has caused many pastors to move their sermons from the pulpit to facebook or other live streaming forums to stay connected to their flock. This is different to say the least. Especially for someone like me who is active in the church and enjoys fellowshipping with the saints. There is something that you get being in the presence of people that you just don’t get sitting at home in front of your phone or your computer screen. I will be the first to admit that. But this is different. People are dying by the thousands a day. So as the government is asking us to stay home unless you’re buying food or going to an essential job some churches are trusting the blood of Jesus to protect them as they defiantly hold church services and gatherings of more than 50 people. So the question becomes is your faith actually protecting you or are you committed to the tradition of the gathering?

As I have developed my own relationship with God I have learned the difference between religion and relationship. Religion says do this because this is what we have always done. Relationship says if God is in me He is where I am including my bedroom in front of my computer while my pastor still preaches the gospel from his dining room table. There are many scriptures that could support either side of the debate. Should we gather or shouldn’t we. Many in this time have used the “blood on the doorpost” reference as God’s sign of protection. Since this is the most used reference I’d like to give a little context to this. This was during the time that Moses was following God’s orders to free the Children of Israel from the slavery of Egypt. The blood was needed because the final plague was the death of the first born of all Egyptians. For every home that had blood over the door, death would pass by. Exodus 12:22 not only points out the power of the blood but it says DON’T LEAVE YOUR HOUSE until morning. For us it's not morning time. We are not out of danger. I am a believer who loves being in God’s house and loves being around the saints. But I also understand how serious this virus is. I have learned during all this that my RELATIONSHIP with God is not defined by the four walls of a building. I can worship God anywhere and everywhere. I can pray at home, in my car, in the grocery store, wherever I am. Don’t get locked into religious traditions. Use this time to make your relationship stronger with God. Seek him in ways you never have before. Pray with your families. Pray for those who can’t shelter in place because they have no place to shelter. Pray for those who aren’t working but can’t afford to not work. God is speaking in this time. He has forced his people to literally sit still so we can finally hear his voice. This world has gotten so busy with the hustle and bustle of life that we, me included, are too tired for much of anything including God. God wants our hearts and we don’t need church building to give it to him.

Rethink the position we are currently in. Yes it is stressful and the not knowing has caused many to worry, but rest if the fact that God’s will is perfect. God knows all things, but trust the blood on the door post and continue to shelter in place until morning comes

The Honest Mom

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